Owe Hui Sia this recipie CENtury ago! :P REally Pai seh!
Well, its quite a simple recipie and fast to prepare too.
Ingredient : pumpkin (cut in small pcs, easier & faster to cook)
button mushroom (i like to cut in small pcs too! :P)
potatoes & onion (cut into small cubes)
minced meat (chicken)
*1 tin of campbell 'chicken soup' (optional)
1) Prepare the above ingredient (except minced meat) and put into a pot, add some
water and boil.
2) Use fork to smash the pumpkin when its turn soft.
3) A bit salt to complete the taste.
*The tricks to make the soup tastier
a) Put more pumpkin & onion (these 2 combination makes the soup taste sweet
b) Put the tin chicken soup, this will make the soup thicker.
That's it, easy to cook rite? Suppose to cook one time, and post the photos here...but quite busy recently and i hardly touch my kitchen's stove. Let me know, if anyone has tried this recipie.
Happy Cooking! Yum Yum! :-P