The princesses were very excited as this year they know to appreciate more, and after the party, Jiejie ask for a new present everyday! Think this is the side effect of having X'mas party i guess! :-P

Am blessed to have 2 princess in my life, still learning to become a good mummy, wife, and of course a better me! :-D
The princesses were very excited as this year they know to appreciate more, and after the party, Jiejie ask for a new present everyday! Think this is the side effect of having X'mas party i guess! :-P
English version :
Mom warm embrace of premature infants restore heartbeat.
瑞秋born at extremely weak, her mother on the chest, the result of a miracle she survived. (Scotland's Glasgow on the 9th) - The warm embrace of her mother, premature infants restore heartbeat. Premature infants瑞秋four months ago when born weighing only 567 grams, every 10 seconds before a heartbeat, and no breathing, the doctor decided to give up treatment. But her mother Caroline wrapped in a blanket, that the daughter will feel cold, so she grabbed the blanket from the influx arms, is such a hug,瑞秋reconsider a heartbeat. British "Daily Mail" reported that Scotland is now in the 36-year-old biochemist Caroline said that she was pregnant 24 weeks, due to uterine infection and premature birth, did not want her daughter died of the cold, so Jiangchibao in the chest, want to give her warmth. She said: "Her feet were cold" Caroline at the same time think of the hearts, it is the only daughter she embraced the opportunity, she would like to remember that moment. Results miracle occurred, the body temperature to let his daughter Caroline restore the heartbeat, also began to breathe. Caroline said: "We can not believe that the immediate thing. Doctors also." At that time, the hospital has been pastor for瑞秋blessing too, everyone was waiting for her to leave. But瑞秋not only survice, restore blood. Caroline has瑞秋home, she is re - 3.6 kg, normal weight babies, and the excellent appetite.瑞秋no hypoxic brain damage, but have undergone laser therapy to save vision, also received six blood transfusions. Hospital Neonatal Unit consultant Ryan said he practicing medicine for 27 years, have never seen such a thing.