Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Boss is away for few days, only will be back on Thursday. Better take this opportunity to clear some of my 'dusted' pilling tagssss.


Even before i get this tag from Mylifezone, i have been asking myself hundred and thousand times, FTWM? SAHM? and i still yet to decide. Even if i resign and bcome 'plofesunal' SAHM, still it won't be so soon.

The main reason SAHM would be for my 2 princesses of course! All of us know now the syllabus for primary school is no longer as easy as our last time. Think parents really need to put effort and times to guide the kids on the homeworking! Another major reason would be our society safety, i really been scared by all those kidnapping, killing and raping case nowadays. Just too much and scary!! These 2 reasons are enough for me to sacrify my work for the sake of my princesses.

Yea, i admit its hard for me to decide as i scare i have no pocket money if being SAHM in future. Thats why i told daddy to work harder, hopefully he can support my SAH's allowance 2-3k monthly. I can take care of my home and kids without a maid then. Daddy, u hear me?? :P

Well, think & plan always nicer than reality......esp when i see my princesses smiles & laughs, i wish to stay with them all the time.....

But when they fighting, crying, complaining......
Meimei : momee, jiejie 'da wor'!! (jiejie beat me) Wuahhhhhhhh......
Jiejie : Wuaahhhhhhh, mummieee.... meimei 'yao wor'!! (meimei bite me) !!!

If so, mummy wish to run far far and go to office then.... :P


Jacelyn Chew said...

mummy sometimes do feel confusing. when children are not ard, we miss them; when they play tantrum, mummy kind of wanting to throw them away...hehehe...

babyfiona said...

yeah agreed! when they laugh, smile, play with you the time, so lovely and so adorable, but when they starts fighting, crying, whining..die i tell you! -____-'

Anonymous said... too..i think i will go psycho if i hv to face the kids the whole day!

Anonymous said...

haha! same here! told hubby I would go crazy if I have to look after them whole day. Yappy! all those crying and fightings... no no for me! :)

Cupid said...

hehe...i'm not marry yet, so i still do not face the problem of babysit the children. Abt SAHM, i agreed with you too, especially society safety, all of females have to take care of our safety whenever oh! ..:)

MY Life Zone said...

ei..nothing is perfect lor, pro and con for FTWM or SAHM... kids are so sweet and something make us mad like hell... haha... can be Angels or Monsters ...

mommy of 3 angels said...

hahahhaha...i also run away lor

i dun wanna be complaints department!

CutiePrincessMummy said...

hahaha, look like all the mummies out there feel the same. Very contradict horr! We only want angels dun wan devils. Kakaka! :-D

Anonymous said...

haha, agreed with u...when kids smile n play with u, sure we love them, if they fight, get angry, we parents sure more angry...